Sonny Hammoud - Super Smash Bros. will continue forever.

 By Sonny Hammoud

This is my thoughts on how some people believe the Super Smash Bros. series by Nintendo will end with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch. Simply put, I do not believe that it will end. The main reason for this being that it makes too much money for Nintendo for it to ever end. Whenever a new game console is made by Nintendo, a new Super Smash Bros. is typically made to be the console seller for many people. Due to this, the series has become a necessity for Nintendo in order to make profits. It is also pretty obvious with how Nintendo fans generally want Super Smash Bros. news at any Nintendo Direct that is announced. Similar to Dragon Ball and how that franchise keeps coming back, the demand is too big for this series to ever have a true end and it will continue regardless of who works on it. Even though people have speculated at Sakurai retiring, I do not believe he will retire because Nintendo and its fans will keep wanting him to work on these games, whether it is through DLC or a new game. It is similar to Hideo Kojima and how he planned to end the Metal Gear Solid franchise at each game he made, but he ended up not ending the series and kept making a new one until he was forced to stop. I believe that is just the mentality where no one will truly stop working on their projects until it becomes out of their hands. Even if Sakurai retires, Nintendo’s management will find someone else to replace him and keep the franchise going due to its profitable success.


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